Shauna's Corner

Saturday, October 28, 2006


So, in one of my labs today we were talking about trust and how important it is in the nurse-client relationship. Anyways, we did this activity where we had to get blindfolded, and a partner guided us around the school. Our partner had to guide us with non-verbal cues and was not allowed to speek. We had to put our complete trust in this person to guide us... ex, up and down stairs. It was kind of scary not knowing where I was going. All I could think about was falling flat on my face.
This reminded me of my relationship with God. Just like the activity, I put all my trust in God to guide me where he wants me to go. I can not see directly what it is, but I trust in him. It can be kind of scary at times, but I know that God is there to catch me when I fall and he is there when I need direction. Sometimes I question where my life will take me, Im blinded to where I will be in 5 years from now, but I trust God to guide me where he wants me to go. The bible verse popped into my mind...Proverbs 3. 5-6. it says..."trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowlege Him, and he will make your paths straight".



At 2:13 AM, Blogger Des said...

Welcome to the blogging world. I remember doing those activities . . . I was always scared out of my mind not wanting to bash my head on the floor.

I never did. I shouldn't have doubted.

Which I should also not do with God. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to fall . . . but I won't.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Alex said...

he shauna:) i miss you. im so excited that you have a blog, and that you're so excited about trusting God in this way. It's hard to do..but so worth it!

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

Hi Shauna,

You may remember me. I had the honor of ministering with your brother at the Charlotte Temple Corps. You and I met officially at camp.

Glad to see that you are blogging.

Grace and peace,


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