Shauna's Corner

Friday, November 24, 2006


Today I had a horrible migrane. It was my fault though, I brought it on myself. Today was sunny. Dad picked me up to go and get the car from moms work. Me, knowing that I get migranes looked directly at the sun and said "Dad, I just noticed that the sun isn't so bright in the fall. In the summer you cant even look at it without hurting your eyes, but now...I can look directly at it and it dont even hurt!!" I think that might have been the stupidest thing I ever said and done. Like 10 minutes later when I looked at mom I could only see half of her face and there was a "flicky" thing in the corner of my eye. So I had to sit and wait a half an hour before I could drive. Thats the wierdest thing ever. I could only see half of everything. But that wasn't the worse part...I got the most horrible headache ever and it would not go away. It kept getting worse and worse. So I took some pills and now Im 8 hours later. Anyway...I hate migranes.

So yeah, I have the car for a couple days. I love having the car because I absolutely hate the bus. I avoid the bus as much as I can. I also dont have to rely on anyone. If I want Tims...I can go get Tims (sorry des). So Im going to enjoy the next couple days and the plan is to get my christmas shopping done and stock up on groceries.



At 10:00 PM, Blogger The Secret of Happiness said...

Yey! Tim's!!!


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