Shauna's Corner

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Well, Im back out around the bay for Christmas and it is GOOD to be home. Its a much needed break from school and the city. I Love St. Johns and Im going to miss it and my friends in there but there is something about "the bay" that gives you a warm feeling. Its quiet, slow, and everybody knows each other! I can go for a walk without getting splashed, no lights or traffic, I haven't got to worry about the non-existant sidewalks when it snows...I Love it. Not everybody feels the same way, but I like going to the grocery store and knowing the workers. I like it when they ask me how school is going. I like how when you are driving down the road, every second person holds up their hand to you! That would never happen in a city. I guess at heart Im a true "bayman"...or "baygal" as I like to call it.
Anyways, so exams are FINISHED! It is an awesome feeling knowing that I have nothing to do. For the last three weeks I have been constantly studying. There were times when I felt like giving it all up...I was soo stressed. I think If I had to study one for day, I would literaly crack! But God helped me through it all. Three of my exams went good, but biochemistry is another story. I guessed like 95% of it. I just hope I knew enough to pull off a 50 overall average! So now all I have to do is wait for my marks. If I passed everything, I am 1/8 of a Nurse. That makes me happy. Just 7 more semesters to go.
But Now im going to bed. It has been a LONG three weeks and right about now I need some serious sleep.



At 9:40 AM, Blogger Des said...

I miss the bay.

A lot.


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